Real-life Numbers


Mathematics is not just about numbers but also of life lessons.

Many students find Math difficult, but I couldn’t blame them. Mathematics is such a complicated subject with all those problems, but it is actually what makes Math fun and challenging. We had been studying Mathematics and its concepts ever since. We had always been wondering, “Why do we need to know these things?” However, here’s a truth: Mathematics is a challenge to deal with, not a phobia to be afraid of.

Math is just easy, or we rather say, was easy. It is just about understanding. Math was just so simple way back as a child just like life. As time passes by, we find its real job. Math is not just a subject but a guide. It brings many lessons as life becomes complicated. From numbers alone to numbers mixed with letters. From scraped knees to lower grades…

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Real Goal

If you dream it, you will achieve it, even it takes you to cross hundreds of rivers and climb thousands of mountains.

When I was a kid, I lived the life I had as it is. Not minding the people around me as long as I had fun. I enjoyed playing under the heat of the sun together with the other playmates until the sun set and the moon showed up. Years passed, I realized I wanted more. I realized the life I had before was not enough. I needed more and I still need more. I did have fun but fun only could not let me survive in this very difficult world. I studied and started dreaming. Dreaming of what my life would be 10 years from now. I dreamt of being a nurse, which I cannot be reached for I am afraid of hospitals. I went on dreaming to be a lawyer, to be a teacher, and now I dreamt to be a successful Civil Engineer and a professional writer.

There are still many steps I need to strive and begin with life. I still have to go to high school, to graduate in college, and to receive the diploma. Then find a perfect job with a perfect salary. I still have to face different challenges, may it be difficult or easy. I still have to get through those closed doors to reach the finish line.

While working on my dreams, I am also working for my family. I want to give them a peaceful and happy life. A life with no worries. A life that they did not experience before – relaxing and free. I also began learning on how to face the different struggles of life, which I just realized later on.

As I was finding thy self, I realized I am still on the starting line. I have been asleep and only now I am waking up to reality. I woke up from a dream that these are just materialistic dreams I have set in mind. My real goal is to be happy regardless of what I choose to do and despite of all the problems that come. I want to be strong enough to strive these things that even after how many times I would fail, I still have the courage to stand up and continue running towards the finish line. I want to be satisfied for all the things I have.

I may not reach all of these but as long as I put my heart into them, I believe I could achieve them even how hard it is for they are worth having.

Real-life Numbers

Mathematics is not just about numbers but also of life lessons.

Many students find Math difficult, but I couldn’t blame them. Mathematics is such a complicated subject with all those problems, but it is actually what makes Math fun and challenging. We had been studying Mathematics and its concepts ever since. We had always been wondering, “Why do we need to know these things?” However, here’s a truth: Mathematics is a challenge to deal with, not a phobia to be afraid of.

Math is just easy, or we rather say, was easy. It is just about understanding. Math was just so simple way back as a child just like life. As time passes by, we find its real job. Math is not just a subject but a guide. It brings many lessons as life becomes complicated. From numbers alone to numbers mixed with letters. From scraped knees to lower grades to broken hearts. Mathematics is all about life.

Math has been our guide as we go on with our journey. It teaches us to be very careful with the signs. It also made us realize that just like an equation, in order to gain the most, we need to know how to convert negatives into positives. We have also learned that no matter how much we have in common with some people, just like parallel lines, we would never meet. Likewise, just like an asymptote, even how very close we are with some folks, we could never be together. And then there is tangent line who we only had one chance to meet and then parted forever.

Mathematics may not teach us how to breathe oxygen, and how to exhale carbon dioxide, or to love a friend or to forgive an enemy; it may not help us find our way to our one true love, but it gives us every reason to hope that every problem has a solution and that those problems are meant to be simplified, not to make them more complicated.

If we do not believe that Mathematics is simple, it is only because we do not realize how complicated life is. The essence of Mathematics is not to make simple things complicated but to make complicated things simple. Math is a tool that clarifies thinking, decision-making, and understanding everyday life.